Hip Conditions


hip arthritis

Osteoarthitis or “wear and tear” arthritis is the loss of the normal smooth cartilage lining the hip joint; this causes pain and loss of function. Other less common forms of arthritis also exist. Once severe, hip arthritis can be successfully treated with a total hip replacement.


femoro-acetabular impingement (FAI) / labral tear

FAI is a condition in which the ball of the hip joint is not perfectly round in shape. This can cause pain with certain activities, and damage or tearing of the labrum over time. The labrum is a cartilage layer around the edge of the hip socket.


avascular necrosis

This is a condition in which the blood supply to the ball of the hip joint is damaged. Over time the bone in the hip can die and collapse, leading to arthritis.


painful / worn previous hip replacement

Hip replacement implants can wear out or become loose with time. The symptom of this is pain in a previously well-functioning hip. Surgery to redo or ‘revise’ the damaged hip replacement is often required, ideally before further damage occurs.